Published on 13 October 2023 at 20:16



You are swamped with work and deadlines, yet you cannot decline to babysit your boss’ daughter. Or, you have a friend who knows that a particular group never returns his favors or invites him to their parties, but they are always first on your friend’s guest list. The reason is that he looks upon them and wishes to be in their inner circle.

Overdoing is Unhealthy

Being kind, compassionate, friendly, and understanding is appreciated. Pleasing people to bring smiles to their faces and moments of happiness in their lives, comfort them in their grief, and help them through their tough times when it is in our capacity to do so is perfectly normal and needed. But what is not normal, not required, or, to say, unhealthy is to keep pleasing people constantly for social acceptance, approval, and being liked, praised, and validated. The intentions matter.


Ask Yourself. Are You Your Authentic Self or a 'People Pleaser'?

 Do you-

  • Base your self-worth on outside validation?
  • Lack boundaries and let others invade your space, time, and energy?
  • Rent your mind to people who threaten your peace of mind?
  • Allow others to exploit you for you want acceptance?
  • Compromise your values to gain access to others' world?
  • Carry the guilt of having said a 'NO'?
  • Always agree with others, disrespecting your own opinion and stand?
  • Lose your authentic self in making others happy and like you?
  • Always apologize even for no fault of yours to maintain peace?
  • Put your needs on the back burner and prioritize other's needs first?
  • Think being nice is more important than being right?
  • Keep giving others, not as a choice but as a compulsion, to be accepted and appreciated?


Stop Undermining Your Worth

If you do any of this, you must regain your power and stop undermining your worth for external validation and acceptance. You know, you need to work on yourself because you are enough. You are unique, and that in itself is something to be celebrated.

None, but you decide your self-worth.


© Purvi Mehta


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